For sharing thoughts and ratings on the song.
I’m not sure if there is anything really unique or distinct in the song… the riffs, the rhythm, the melodies, the chorus, the solos, the lyrics…
But as an opening song, it fits perfectly. It tells that this album means serious business! Heavy as hell, it lays the base for what’s to come. The low-tuned guitars in the intro, with a bit twisted chord progression and a lot of vibrato, followed by the main riff, the band furiously kicking in, and Bruce’s raspy opening lines in the darkness the raven’s head… that’s heavy metal for you!
The chorus is simple but it works, quite like the rest of the song. It just grooves and flows.
But the best thing is saved for the last – I simply love the heavy ending riff and Bruce’s murmured to your window I come, at your window I come. That’s the fifth star for this one.