Taking The Queen

Taking The Queen
none 4.0 1

For sharing thoughts and ratings on the song.

A song with great atmosphere and a lot of feeling, I love it. I would probably give it five stars, but the first chorus doesn’t work very well to me. I’ve always sort of wondered about the sudden shift of atmosphere from the drowsy verse to the clumsy chorus with its hawklords and the beasts. It doesn’t seem to fit.

But other than that, the song is beautiful. The best part comes after the solo, the one with now the flame burns higher where Bruce shows his immense quality. And the second chorus is a lot better than the first one, partly because of the added instrumentation but also partly because of the context, the place where the song has evolved since the first chorus, I think.

Now that Bruce has a keyboard player in his ranks, why not play this one live…?

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