Your dream Bruce Dickinson setlist?

With a new album on the way there would obviously need to be some space made for new songs, but if I were just working with the tracks already released up to this point, mine would probably look something like this:

  1. Solar Confinement
  2. Power Of The Sun
  3. The Tower
  4. Taking The Queen
  5. Darkside Of Aquarius
  6. Silver Wings
  7. Innerspace
  8. Chemical Wedding
  9. Son Of A Gun
  10. Firechild
  11. Sacred Cowboys
  12. The Magician
  13. Kill Devil Hill
  14. Book Of Thel
  15. Tears Of The Dragon


  1. Eternal
  2. A Tyranny Of Souls
  3. Strange Death In Paradise

A nice spread of tracks drawing from all of his albums and a couple of B-sides, including the unofficial cowboy trilogy, “The Magician” (which was a surprisingly great live track in 1997), and the stunning ballad “Eternal”.

Yes, I skipped over some old favorites in favor of more deep cuts, but there are still plenty of crowd pleasers in there!

What setlist would you like to see?

  1. Cyclops
  2. Broken
  3. Power of the Sun
  4. Chemical Wedding
  5. Book of Thel
  6. Innerspace
  7. Accident of Birth
  8. Taking the Queen
  9. Abduction
  10. Inertia
  11. Darkside of Aquarius
  12. Jerusalem
  13. Back from the Edge
  14. Tears of the Dragon
  15. Eternal
  16. Gods of War
  17. Tyranny of Souls

I’m a fan of slower, mistier openers (you don’t always have to run to the stage at the start of the show) and because Cyclops is a huge favorite of mine, it would be my dream opener. And then the song list just… evolves from there.

I loved your idea to open the encore with Eternal, so I just copied it from your list to mine. To me, Tyranny is an easy choice for the final song.

Edit: In 1998, King in Crimson was THE perfect second song on the list, but I could not do without Broken there.


The one they play live on this tour is great, imo.

But, my dream setlist is a little bit different from this one :sunglasses:

  1. Mars Within
  2. Abduction
  3. Souls Intruders
  4. Darkness Of Aquarius
  5. Afterglow Of Ragnarok
  6. Rain On The Graves
  7. Man Of Sorrow
  8. Power Of The Sun
  9. The Tower
  10. Jerusalem
  11. King In Crimson
  12. Tears Of The Dragon
  13. Road To Hell

Encore :

  1. Accident Of Birth
  2. Chemical Wedding
  3. Book Of Thel

No need for a cover like “Frankenstein” that is great but useless in the setlist for me.

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